Prof. Gonen Ashkenasy

Ben Gurion University of the Negev (BGU), IL
Laboratory for Systems Chemistry

Professor of Chemistry

Supervisor DC1 and DC9

Professor of Chemistry and Chair of the Chemistry Department at BGU. Supervised >30 graduate students, currently 3 MSc, 5 PhD and 2 postdoctoral researchers. Member of the advisory board for ChemSystemChem and Entropy. Co-founder and organiser of the first Gordon Research Conference series on Systems Chemistry. Pioneer in the studies of replication networks. Authored and co-authored >80 publications.

Selected publications

  • Bandela, A. K., Wagner, N., Sadihov, H., Morales-Reina, S., Chotera-Ouda, A., Basu, K., … & Ashkenasy, G. (2021). Primitive selection of the fittest emerging through functional synergy in nucleopeptide networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences118(9), e2015285118. 
  • Maity, I., Dev, D., Basu, K., Wagner, N., & Ashkenasy, G. (2021). Signaling in systems Chemistry: programing gold nanoparticles formation and assembly using a Dynamic Bistable Network. Angewandte Chemie133(9), 4562-4567. 
  • Maity, I., Wagner, N., Mukherjee, R., Dev, D., Peacock-Lopez, E., Cohen-Luria, R., & Ashkenasy, G. (2019). A chemically fueled non-enzymatic bistable network. Nature Communications10(1), 4636. 
  • Chotera, A., Sadihov, H., Cohen‐Luria, R., Monnard, P. A., & Ashkenasy, G. (2018). Functional assemblies emerging in complex mixtures of peptides and nucleic acid–peptide chimeras. Chemistry–A European Journal24(40), 10128-10135. 
  • Ludlow, R. F., & Otto, S. (2008). Systems chemistry. Chemical Society Reviews37(1), 101-108.