Prof. Andrew Griffiths
Full Professor of Biochemistry at ESPCI. Molecular biologist specialising in high-throughput screening, selection and directed evolution. Supervised 31 PhD students, currently supervising 4. Founder of 5 start-ups. Member of the Executive Committee at ESPCI Paris, and the steering committee of the program “Origins and conditions for the appearance of life” at PSL. Authored and co-authored >120 publications.
Selected publications
- Fallah-Araghi, A., Meguellati, K., Baret, J. C., El Harrak, A., Mangeat, T., Karplus, M., … & Griffiths, A. D. (2014). Enhanced chemical synthesis at soft interfaces: A universal reaction-adsorption mechanism in microcompartments. Physical Review Letters, 112(2), 028301.
- Ryckelynck, M., Baudrey, S., Rick, C., Marin, A., Coldren, F., Westhof, E., & Griffiths, A. D. (2015). Using droplet-based microfluidics to improve the catalytic properties of RNA under multiple-turnover conditions. Rna, 21(3), 458-469.
- Matsumura, S., Kun, Á., Ryckelynck, M., Coldren, F., Szilágyi, A., Jossinet, F., … & Griffiths, A. D. (2016). Transient compartmentalization of RNA replicators prevents extinction due to parasites. Science, 354(6317), 1293-1296.
- Obexer, R., Godina, A., Garrabou, X., Mittl, P. R., Baker, D., Griffiths, A. D., & Hilvert, D. (2017). Emergence of a catalytic tetrad during evolution of a highly active artificial aldolase. Nature chemistry, 9(1), 50-56.
- Eyer, K., Doineau, R. C., Castrillon, C. E., Briseño-Roa, L., Menrath, V., Mottet, G., … & Baudry, J. (2017). Single-cell deep phenotyping of IgG-secreting cells for high-resolution immune monitoring. Nature biotechnology, 35(10), 977-982.